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Beyond Homosapien

Dec 31, 2019

New Years Resolutions never seem to work…


Most people I know these days don’t even bother making them!


Let’s Talk about New Years Resolutions and how we might revive this practice for the new age of mankind.


The way we go about goal-setting in general often leaves us feeling overwhelmed and moving nowhere.


In this episode of Beyond Homo Sapien, I share my 2019 lessons and make some resolutions for 2020.


Want to learn how to make a better New Years Resolution for 2020 that’ll actually take you somewhere?


It all begins in understanding yourself, how you achieve forward motion, and having clarity on what you actually want to do.


What is your soul asking you to do?


How can you best serve the world?


Who needs your help the most?


Who do you choose to be in 2020?


Journal on these questions and see where that process takes you!


Do you want to lose weight and get in better shape?


Instead of approaching it from a “problem first” perspective, resolve to be healthy and agile.


Don’t focus on losing weight…


Focus on LOSING STRESS and gaining happiness.


Instead of taking a safe route like you did in 2019, choose to follow your passions.


Rather than stay enslaved to old mindsets, enter a new era of thinking and evolve your consciousness to a greater peak.


It’s possible.


Human evolution happened and I don’t think it was biological…


It was an evolution of consciousness.


A greater knowing of our deeper selves…


A deeper connection with the planet, our higher selves, and our fellow humans.


In 2020, choose to ride this wave into a life of affluence, ease, and joy. Choose to learn your lessons through ease instead of pain.


There is so much to be learned from joy.


There is so much we have already learned from pain, suffering, and sacrifice…


We can now collectively choose to learn through joy and avoid trauma.


This is not a steering towards a life of ease…


Instead, we must face our fears, fight our inner demons, and invoke our highest selves in all walks of life. We must choose peace instead of the sword. We must negotiate with our “enemies” and transmute their hate into peace through our own collective internal alchemy.


Listen to that voice of intuition and weigh it with what your soul is calling it to do.


As is said in the Hermetic Corpus: “Leap clear of all that is corporeal. Make yourself higher than all heights and lower than all depths.”


After all, if you abase yourself and continue to make yourself like only to a vast expanse of nothingness, then what do you have to do with god?


Put simply: choose to love yourself in 2020.


Choose love.


Choose a new way.