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Beyond Homosapien

Nov 20, 2021

Vibrational Manifestation Masterclass

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Have you experienced a miraculous vibrational manifestation? These events can change our understanding of reality. Keep reading to learn more about this phenomena that is awakening our world to a new dawn for the species.

Vibrational manifestation is the phenomena of creating or attracting physical objects, people, or things (house, car, etc.) through the changing of the vibrational frequency coming from your body.

Here’s a secret known by the ancient mystery schools of all the ages: There is a vibrational frequency that pulsates from your body and extends in all directions. This auric field encapsulates your physical body and projects a wave that impacts and affects your environment. The pulsation of this wavelength is what assists in the generation of your world by manifesting out what you are experiencing within yourself.

Everything you experience is your own consciousness pushed out. When you first learn about this concept, it provokes skepticism. However, as you experience and practice with the idea of reality creation, your skepticism will be replaced with an almost evangelic belief. We are all connected as one being experiencing the world through billions of different perspectives. Although we might view from separate vantage points, there is a source within us that stays connected to the divine whole.

When you change or influence the vibrational pulse coming from your body, you altar the manifestation that you experience. This creates changes in your physical reality in accordance with the mental images and instructions you have attached to your vibrational frequency.

Vibrational manifestation in a nutshell: you program the vibrational pulse coming from your body to deliver certain results, in accordance with your divine will. By doing so, you create your reality.

When you do this, you become the active creator of your life. Although you have always been experiencing life, you have been the passive creator. Life has seemed like a wave of experiences that wash over and leave you always reacting. By awakening to your true nature, you grab the “scepter of power” wrote about in the Kybalion and you ascend into a higher plane of correspondence. By doing so, you become the “cause” in your world instead of always being “affected”. When you realize your full potential and use your willpower to amplify the frequency projected from your body, you become co-creator with the mind of the universe. As said by Manly P. Hall, you begin to “think with the mind of god”.

Dangers Of Vibrational Manifestation

Vibrational manifestation carries with it a hefty responsibility: you must do no harm and violate no one’s consent. If your actions, thoughts, and intentions are evil and self-serving, they will have an evil impact on the world. This mis-use of the vibrational currents will result in a karmic backlash on yourself ten-times that of what you projected to the outside. When you abuse the consent of others, you desecrate the sacred temples and reject yourself from the company of the immortals.

To safeguard against accidental harmful (or “left hand”) magick, do the following when you are planning a vibrational manifestation:

1. Ask yourself “are my actions in alignment with the completion of the Great Work?”… In other words, are your actions serving to awaken others to their true potential? Are your actions selfless and in the service of others or are you being self-serving alone?

Sometimes, you might be operating in the grey where your actions are in service of others but you are also a benefactor. In these situations, ask yourself if anyone is being harmed or if there is a violation of consent. Are you giving more than you take? Do you lead with action or do you wait on others to serve you?

How are you showing up in the grey? This makes all the difference. There is balance in the universe and equilibrium between the poles of good and evil must be maintained. Your intentions are what matter. Your right intent must lead to right action.

Do you intend to do good and serve your community? If so, it is fine if you are paid for your work. In fact, you must be paid for your work to ensure an even energetic exchange. When you refuse payment, you cut-off your ability to receive and further amplify your vibrational manifestation.

There is room in the grey but you must be careful to ensure you always give more than you take. Do this and you will be on the victorious side of good and triumph over adversity.

2. Will your actions result in the harming of anyone or the violating of anyone’s consent? In general, if you are involving other people in your manifestation work, you must have their consent. If you and I were going to engage in a magical ceremony together, you would want to know the details prior to beginning… Consider the same for those involved in your manifestations. Ensure that they are aware of what you are doing, who you are doing it with, and the intent with which you do it.

Are you working with an intelligence outside of someone’s perception? If you involve this intelligence and the individual both in your manifestation, you must tell them. Consent increases the strength of the manifestation because it allows the flow of energy between individuals to go unrestrained. If consent is violated, it blocks everything like a dam until it is no longer sustainable.

If your actions could cause harm, do not continue. In fact, when programming the energy coming from your body, instruct it to do no harm and thank it for keeping everyone safe as it works. By doing so, you give yourself an insurance policy against any accidental harmful magic.

One of the best “prayers” is a prayer of thanks. Instead of demanding god and the spiritual forces of the universe do “do your will”, THANK them for already having completed the work necessary for you to continue the Great Work and thank them for doing so in a way that works out for everyone’s good and keeps everyone safe.

Focusing on gratitude while making this prayer and feeling it fulfilled will change your life.

3. Check in with your higher self.

Have you checked in with yourself and made yourself certain that what you are doing is in alignment with the divine will for your life? In other words, ensure that your vibrational manifestation is what you want to happen in your life. For example, if you are working to manifest more money, check-in to ensure that this will help you achieve your goals.

Most of us think we know what we want but receive an unpleasant surprise when it arrives. Have you ever heard “be careful what you wish for?” The same is true for manifestation. Before you put your sacred spiritual energy into the manifestation of an endeavor, check in with your higher self and ensure you are in alignment with your own will.

Want a guided meditation to connect you with your higher self? Listen to this episode of the Beyond Homo Sapien podcast. You can download this meditation by clicking here and entering your information when prompted.

This guided meditation will help you ensure that your manifestation work is in alignment with the divine will and plan for your life. When you are before the image of your higher self, ask it for guidance and pay attention to what pops into your mind.

If you follow these three steps, you will avoid any harmful counter-effects of your manifestation.

Another tool to increase the power of your vibrational manifestation is the Tarot.

Prior to undertaking a manifestation, consult the Tarot cards about what you are working to manifest. By doing so, you can check-in with yourself and bring any feelings about this manifestation to the fore-front. Want to learn more about the Tarot cards? Read this post.

Your internal world creates your external world. The vibrational wavelength of energy projecting from your body generates your world in the same way a video game world is created and “loaded” when you plug-in the Xbox and insert Halo into the disc drive. It is a process of creation that corresponds with how our reality is generated through the emanation of source.

Our universe is a great mind that extends infinitely through time and space. This mind has been called “god”, “the universe”, Jehovah, Brahma, and a host of different names since the dawn of time. However, all these names serve to make an attempt at defining the same thing: the All. The great being in which we all swim and which composes us in the same way that Tolkien creates Frodo Baggins.

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