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Beyond Homosapien

May 31, 2020

Go to and check out all the posts on the blog! George Floyd's tragic murder has given us another opportunity for change. If we do not take a stand for personal freedoms and hold our police and "leaders" accountable, we will continue down the road of unequal opportunity. Let's talk about the best way forward and how this opportunity can result in actual change, instead of a continuation of the same systems. The system is clearly broken for just about everyone. Time for a new story. Here are some suggestions I make in this video about George Floyd and the protests around his murder: 1. Personal responsibility. Look at the power of just one person inside of a protest to turn that into a riot! Look at the power of just one police officer who mis-used their power. Just one individual (police or protestor) has the ability to create a global impact. Just one person making the right or wrong decision can set off a chain of events that can lead our entire world down a different path. WE THE PEOPLE have more power than we have been told, and it has ALWAYS been that way. It is time we collectively choose better and it starts with YOU and ME. 2. Watch out for instigators of all types. Whether we are talking about "professional protestors", undercover cops disguised as protestors, or just someone who is acting a fool, be aware while at these protests that such individuals exist. When deciding how you feel about protests in general, consider that many of the instigating agents at such events are placed there by outside organizations. Whether that organization is George Soros, the CIA, the police, ANTIFA, etc. etc. is up up for debate, at the end of the day there are probably all sorts of unsavory individuals at protests who have ulterior motives. It is up to US to ensure peaceful protests do not become violent. If at a protest, be aware. 3. We must create a list of actual demands that we want changed. Rather than just giving into blind aggression and angst, we must organize and create a list of what we actually want changed by our political institutions. We say we want "an end to police brutality" but what does that actually look like? Better laws? Better training for officers? In order for a protest to become a movement that actually achieves change, there must be a greater level of organization than what is happening now. I propose we begin organizing and creating plans for creating a new system. Does this "master plan to save the world" need to be one person's plan? No, in fact it will be far more achievable if it comes from a million different sources. We must work at the community level, beginning in our own lives. How do YOU want to change YOUR life? What can you impact inside your community? Who in your life needs help right now? You have more power to help and make an impact than you were ever told. It is time we take that power back through peace, love, and unity. Share this video so we can have a productive conversation around change. Comment below with any ideas or thoughts. Choose the path of love.